
The Green Revolution in Bangalore

As we strive to make our celebrations more sustainable, eco-friendly alternatives to traditional fireworks have gained popularity. One such eco-conscious innovation is the "Plantable Pataka" made from seed paper. This brilliant idea not only adds...

 Roshan Ray

Light up your house

Come November, and it is time to herald one of India’s most celebrated festivals, Diwali. A festival that celebrates the victory of light over darkness and good over evil, lighting lamps and diyas is intrinsic to the spirit of the...

 Roshan Ray

Reinventing Diwali with seed crackers

When the skies turn hazy with pollutants and millions gasp for breath, it’s time for a Diwali rethink on how to combine celebration with caution. And some innovators are ready with at least one answer seed crackers’ that burst not...

 Roshan Ray